Parineeti 24th April 2024 Written Episode Update

Parineeti 24th April 2024 Written Episode Update starts with Bajwa family going for the Pari’s godhbharai in Baranala while Neeti also comes along with them half-heartedly. They sit inside the bus but Neeti manipulates Pari and sits with Rajeev but he wants to sit along with Pari.

Chandrika also gets angry seeing Neeti along with Rajeev after which Amit tries to explain to her to not worry much while Chandrika still is not gets satisfied. Neeti asks Rajeev if he wants something after which he indirectly taunts her and says that he wants to sit with Pari after which Pari starts staring at Rajeev and asks him what happened.

Rajeev says that he will come there and tells her what he wants after which he leaves Neeti and sits with Pari which makes Neeti feel bad but she does not say anything. Pammi notices Rajeev sitting along with Pari and shows Rajveer too after which she says that Rajeev and Pari’s pair is next to Lakhshmi and Narayan.

Parineeti 24th April 2024 Written Episode Update

Rajveer makes faces after which Pari asks him how will he get convinced after which he puts his hands on Pari’s tummy and asks the baby to kick for him after which she starts laughing. Then, Rajeev flirts with Pari while Monty notices it and asks Rajeev why is he making him jealous by doing all these things which makes Rajeev and Pari feel embarrassed.

Everyone stares at them after which Pari scolds Rajeev for flirting with her while Rajveer asks everyone to play antakshri along with him. He starts the game and everyone enjoys it except Neeti as no one pays attention to her which makes her feel bad after which she goes and sits behind while Pari notices her sitting alone.

Pari goes behind and asks Neeti why is sitting alone after which Neeti asks her to sit along with her family while Pari tells Neeti that Bajwa’s family is her too but Neeti does not accept. Neeti does emotional drama and tells Pari that her destiny is very bad because God snatched her mother first and after her Shally misbehaved with her.

Pari without thinking much removes chunari from her hands and ties it to Neeti’s hand saying that Mata Rani will take care of her while Neeti murmurs that Pari is a fool and one day just because of her excessive good nature she will lose everything.

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Afterward, everyone takes a rest but suddenly, the bus collides with a tree which makes everyone worried while Pammi asks Pari if she is fine or not then Pari assures her that she is fine. Pammi notices that Pari has removed the chunari from her hands and given it to Neeti after which she asks Pari about it.

Pari tells her that Neeti was feeling demotivated so she tied it on her hands after which men of Bajwa family starts dancing then Pammi also starts dancing Later on, other members also joins them but Neeti stands away from them and feels sad seeing everyone enjoying themselves without her which brings tears to her eyes after the driver asks them to come inside the bus.

Parineeti 24th April 2024 Written Episode Update ends here.

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